Multiple Positions – Dedza District Council

Closes : February 14, 2025
  • Full Time
  • Dedza
  • Applications have closed

Dedza District Council

Local Government Service Commission is inviting applications from suitably qualified Malawians to
fill various vacant posts existing at Dedza District Council.

Post: Chief Planning Officer (Grade F/M3)

Salary: Within the Grade F salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Principal Planning Officers (Grade G/M4) or Principal Economists
(Grade G/M4) with a minimum of Four Years experience at that grade in Local Authorities or
Civil Service.

Post: Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer (Grade F/M3)

Salary: Within the Grade F salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Principal Nursing and Midwifery Officers (Grade G/ M4) with a
minimum of Four Years experience at that grade in the Local Authorities.

Post: Principal Environmental Health Officer (Grade G/M4)

Salary: Within the Grade G salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Senior Environmental Health Officers (Grade H/M5) with a minimum of
Four Years experience at that grade in the Local Authorities.

Post: Medical Officer (Grade H/M5)

Salary: Within the Grade H salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be in possession of a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Degree (MBBS)
obtained from accredited Institutions, must be registered with the Medical Council of Malawi and
must have completed the Internship Program.

Post: Clinical Officer (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) (Grade I/M6)

Salary: Within the Grade I salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be in possession of a Bachelor’s degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology obtained
from accredited institutions and must be registered with Medical Council of Malawi.

Post: Environmental Affairs Officer (Grade I/M6)
Salary: Within the Grade I salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be in possession of a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Management, Environmental Science and Technology or Natural Resources obtained from accredited institutions

Post: Physical Planning Officer (Grade I/M6)

Salary: Within the Grade I salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Senior Physical Planning Technicians (Grade J/M7) with a minimum of Four years’ experience at that grade in Local Authorities or be in possession of a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Planning, Land Administration, Land Economy, Land Management or Land Surveying and Real Estates obtained from accredited institutions.

Post: Forestry Officer (Grade I/M6)

Salary: Within the Grade I salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Senior Assistant Forestry Officers (Grade J/M7) with a minimum of
Four Years experience at that grade in the Local Authorities or be in possession of a Bachelor of
Forestry and Environmental or Natural Resources obtained from accredited institutions.

Post: Radiography Technician (Grade K/M8)

Salary: Within the Grade K salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be in possession of Diploma in Radiography obtained from accredited institutions and must be registered with Medical Council of Malawi

Post: Assistant Disaster Risk Management Officer (Grade K/M8)

Salary: Within the Grade K salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be in possession of Diploma in Disaster and Risk Management, Climate Change
or Environmental Management obtained from accredited institutions.

Post: Shorthand Typist (Grade K/M8)

Salary: Within the Grade K salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Senior Copy Typists (Grade L/M10) with a minimum of Four Years
experience at that post in Local Authorities or in possession of a Diploma in Secretarial Studies and
with a typing speed of 50 words per minute.

Application letters with a detailed Curriculum Vitae, Copies of Certificates and National Identity Card should be sent to:

The Executive Secretary
Local Government Commission
P.O Box 766

To reach him not later than 14th February 2025.

Job Search Malawi