- Full Time
- Malawi

China Railway 20 Bureau Group Corporation Mw Ltd
China Railway 20 Bureau Group Corporation Mw Ltd
No | Position | Qualifications | Duties and Responsibilities | In Similar Works Experience Number of Projects |
1 | Contractor’s Representative
He/she shall be fluent in both written and spoken English. |
He/She shall possess as a minimum a Bachelors degree in Construction Management, Civil Engineering or equivalent qualification with at least 15 years’ experience as a Contractor’s Representative in similar contract conditions.
Working knowledge and significant experience in administering FIDIC type contracts for construction will be required. |
The Contractor’s Representative responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:
1) Shall be the overall in-charge of management and superintendence of the Contract. 2) Shall direct the overall execution of the Works 3) Shall receive instructions from the Engineer 4) Shall be the key contact person between the Engineer and the Employer 5) Shall administer commercial aspects related to Subcontractors and Suppliers 6) Shall be responsible for project cost control and cash flow projections 7) Overall responsible for quality control and safety 8) dealing with any unexpected problems that may occur during the execution of the Works. |
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2 | Works Manager (Deputy Contractor’s Representative)
He/she shall be fluent in both written and spoken English. |
He/She shall possess as a minimum a Bachelor’s degree or B.Tech in Construction Management, Civil Engineering or equivalent qualification with minimum 10 years’ experience as a Works Manager in similar contract conditions. | The Works Manager should have experience in monitoring construction activities, and:
1) Shall be responsible for programming of Works and progress monitoring 2) Shall supervise day to day overall construction of Works 3) Shall be the overall in-charge of safety issues on site 4) Shall be responsible for reports, construction drawings and contract documents 5) Shall be responsible for management of personnel, equipment and construction materials 6) Shall be responsible for maintaining comprehensive construction records. |
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3 | Quality Assurance Manager
He/she shall be fluent in both written and spoken English. |
He/She shall possess as a minimum a Bachelor’s degree or B.Tech in Civil Engineering or construction related field or equivalent qualification with minimum 7 years’ experience as a Site Agent in similar contract conditions. | 1) Will be responsible for the management of the construction site activities.
2) Shall be responsible for preparation of quality control plans and method statements 3) Shall organize site trials for construction of pavement layers to demonstrate that the procedures proposed in the method statements were adequate to achieve specification requirements 4) Shall ensure compliance to specifications of field density test results, design properties of asphalt mixes and pavement materials. 5) Shall ensure that the quality of materials incorporated in permanent works and methods of construction are in conformity with the project specifications and standards 6) Shall organize and supervise process and acceptance control testing |
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4 | Highway Engineer
He/she shall be fluent in both written and spoken English. |
He/She shall possess as a minimum a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent qualification with a minimum 10 years’ experience as a Highway / geometric engineer in similar contract conditions. | 1) Supervision of the site running construction activities and ensure the project is completed in time and budget.
2) Shall review geometric and pavement design drawings and reports 3) Shall supervise highway/road construction Works 4) Shall prepare and issue Requests for Inspections 5) Shall review contract drawings and propose amendments if need arises 6) Shall be responsible for preparation of as-built drawings. |
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5 | Quantity Surveyor | He/She shall possess as a minimum a Bachelor’s degree in Quantity Surveying or Construction Management or equivalent qualification in the construction field with minimum 10 years’ experience as a Quantity Surveyor in similar contract conditions. | 1) Shall be responsible for measurement of Works and preparation of Interim Payment Application
2) Shall be responsible for compiling monthly progress reports 3) Shall be responsible for updating cash flows. |
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6 | Structural / Bridge Engineer
He/she shall be fluent in both written and spoken English. |
He/She shall possess as a minimum a Master’s Degree in Structural Engineering or Civil Engineering specializing in bridge construction with a minimum 10 years’ experience as bridge engineer in similar contract conditions working for a construction company.
1) Shall supervise all Structural/Bridge Works
2) Shall review proposed design of hydraulic structures and other structures related to the Works and propose modifications if need arises 3) Shall prepare and issue Requests for Inspections |
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7 | Soils / Materials Engineer | He/She shall possess as a minimum a Master’s Degree in Soils/Materials Engineering or Civil Engineering specializing in materials with minimum 10 years’ experience as a materials engineer in similar contract conditions working for a construction company. | 1) Shall oversee the undertaking of mix designs for pavement layers through relevant specialized experts
2) Shall be responsible for sampling and testing quality of construction materials 3) Shall identify new potential borrow sites and collect soil samples for laboratory analysis 4) Shall plan sampling and construction control testing schedules with a view to evaluating and documenting the quality of work 5) Shall follow-up on laboratory testing of samples to ensure that tests are made as scheduled and the results are promptly evaluated 6) Shall perform subsoil investigations in visually bad subgrade patterns |
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8 | Traffic Engineer | He/She shall possess as a minimum a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent with a minimum 10 years’ experience as a traffic engineer engineer in similar contract conditions working for a construction company. | 1) Shall prepare Traffic Management Plans during construction.
2) Shall review, design and supervise construction of traffic diversions and calming feature such as road signs, traffic lights, and road markings. 3) Shall be responsible for preparation of Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and its implementation. |
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9 | Topographical Surveyor
He/she must be fluent in both written and spoken English. |
He/She should possess as a minimum a Diploma in Land Surveying or equivalent qualification with minimum a 10 years work related experience as a topographical surveyor in similar contract conditions.
1) Shall be responsible for setting up and locating beacons and benchmarks
2) Shall take ground measurements before and after excavations 3) Shall be responsible for setting out of the Works 4) Shall assist the Highway Engineer in the measurement of Works |
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10 | Plant / Equipment Manager:
He/she shall be fluent in both written and spoken English. |
He/She should possess as a minimum a Diploma in construction equipment repair and maintenance or equivalent related field with minimum 10 years work related experience.
1) Shall oversee the overall management and maintenance of all plant, equipment and machinery used on the construction site.
2) Shall keep records and provide regular reports on the condition of the various plant and equipment on site |
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11 | Electrical Engineer
He/she shall be fluent in both written and spoken English. |
He/She shall possess as a minimum a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent with a minimum 10 years’ experience as a electrical engineer in similar contract conditions working for a construction company. | 1) Shall be responsible for all electrical related aspects of the Works | 1 |
12 | Environmental Expert:
He/she shall be fluent in both written and spoken English. |
He/She should be an environmentalist with minimum a Bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering, environmental science, environmental management or equivalent qualification with a specialization in environmental monitoring of infrastructure projects or environmental risk management. He/she should have a minimum of 7 years experience covering implementation and monitoring of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP) in road construction projects.
He / She should have experience in environmental impact assessment for major infrastructure projects in the SADC region. |
1) Shall prepare the Specific Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and enforce it in the course of project execution
2) Shall be responsible for oversee compliance of environmental, and social risks on site as per ESMP 3) Shall be responsible for preparation of Specific Environmental Management Plans prior to project execution 4) Shall be responsible to ensure that all environmental and Social issues are implemented in compliance with the requirements 5) Shall prepare safety-training programs and provide on-the job training to employees on issues related to environment. |
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13 | Social Specialist:
Fluency in English both written and spoken is essential.
He/She should be a qualified individual with minimum a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and proven experience on management of social related issues in infrastructure project or a closely related discipline. The Social Specialist shall have a minimum of 7 years’ experience, working on social management studies for projects of similar nature in road construction or linear projects and be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge of social issues affecting local communities (HIV/AIDS,STDs etc.), initiatives and impact assessment and mitigation measures in developing and tropical countries. Ability to deal with communities and affected persons including government officials is essential.
The social specialist should have also a demonstrated experience of dealing with grievances in the construction projects. He / She should have experience in social related issues in infrastructure projects or a closely related discipline the SADC region. |
1) Shall prepare the Social Management Plan (SMP) and enforce it in the course of project execution
2) Shall be responsible for oversee compliance of social risks on site as per SMP 3) Shall be responsible for preparation of Social Management Plans prior to project execution 4) Shall be responsible to ensure that all environmental and Social issues are implemented in compliance with the requirements 5) Shall prepare safety-training programs and provide on-the job training to employees on issues related to social matters. |
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14 | Site Occupational Health and Safety Officer:
He/she shall be fluent in both written and spoken English. Ability to communicate in Portuguese is desirable. |
He/she should possess minimum a Diploma in Occupation Health Studies, Health Science or equivalent related program. The qualified officer should have similar 5 years experience in construction related projects within the region.
He/She should have experience overseeing health activities aimed at the promotion and maintenance of highest degree of physical, mental and social wellbeing of workers on similar construction infrastructure projects;
1) Shall prepare and implement Health and Safety Management Plan (HSMP)
2) Shall oversee the overall compliance of safety issues on site as per HSMP 3) Shall ensure that all Workers are provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times while on site 4) Shall prepare safety training programs and provide on-the job training to employees on issues related to health and safety 5) Shall be responsible for maintaining safety records and reporting of accidents in compliance with OSHA requirements |
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Applications with detailed Curriculum Vitae, Cover letter and names of three traceable referees should be sent to the following email:
Email: [email protected]
Should be addressed to:
China Railway 20 Bureau Group Corporation Mw Ltd
P.O Box 30500
For enquiries, Call: 0997 411 165
Application Deadline: 18th March, 2025.
To apply for this job email your details to johnkulomba5@gmail.com