Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change through the Department of Forestry would like to invite applications from suitably qualified Malawians for the post of Forest Guards Grade P as per details below.
Post: Forest Guard
Grade: PForest Guard
Location: All successful applicants will be deployed in
Plantations, Reserves and Research Stations which are in remote rural areas of Malawi from Chitipa to Nsanje forests reserves and Plantations are not in town and cities.
Reporting : Senior Forest Assistant (L).
Salary : Within the Grade P Government Salary Segment.
Qualifications and Other Attributes:
Applicants must be in possession of Junior Certificate of Education (JCE) or (MSCE).
- Must be a Malawian with valid National Identification Card (ID).
- Must have JCE/MSCE
- Must be physically and mentally fit with no life threatening illness.
- Must have no criminal records.
- Must be between the age of 18 and 35 years of age.
- Must be prepared to undergo comprehensive physical exercise to determine ones fitness for the job. (No compromising on this one).
- Enforce and interpret the Forest Law and Policy.
- Establish forest plantations.
- Create forest reserves and protect catchment areas.
- Empower communities in management of forest resources taking into account gender issues.
- Co-ordinate forest development activities with other stakeholders.
- Disseminate forestry-related information.
- Provide information on prices of forest products.
- Produce annual plans of operations.
- Promote multiple use of forest resources.
Mode of Application
Interested candidates should send their application letters with their relevant copies of certificates to:
The Director of Forestry
Nkhalango House,
P.O. Box 30048
Attention: The Chief Human Resource Management Officer.
Closing date for receiving applications is 15th January, 2025.