CARE Malawi
CARE Malawi is seeking an experienced evaluation firm for a baseline study for Tiwoloka, a $27.85 million initiative funded by the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) through the McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition (FFECN) initiative. Running from 2024 to 2029, Tiwoloka aims to improve literacy, health, and nutrition among school children and strengthen government systems for sustainable school feeding programs across six districts in Malawi. Tiwoloka’s lead implementer, CARE, intends to hire an external evaluation firm through a competitive bidding process to conduct the baseline study in line with the terms and conditions outlined in the Terms of References (TORs) linked below.
Roles and responsibilities
- Develop the baseline tools and protocols in close collaboration with CARE’s Director of Research and Tiwoloka’s Senior Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Manager.
- Prepare the submission to the Internal Review Board (IRB) in line with USDA and GOM requirements.
- Develop the analysis framework and quality assurance protocols.
- Randomly select the sampled schools in line with QED requirements.
- Train and supervise enumerators, including the preparation of training materials; post-tests; practicum; compliance with safeguarding requirements; and quality assurance.
- Clean and analyze the data as per agreed analysis framework and quality assurance protocols.
- Prepare a draft report for USDA, GOM, and CARE’s feedback, and prepare a final report incorporating the feedback as applicable.
- Present results to the MoE and USDA.
- Prepare a reader-friendly summary of findings for external audiences.
How to apply
Application Process:
Qualified firms with experience in conducting impact evaluations in education, health, or social programs are invited to submit proposals. Firms should demonstrate capacity in managing complex, multi-arm evaluations and integrating gender and social inclusion analyses. For full Terms of Reference and proposal submission details, click the link below
Applicants should submit technical and financial proposals to CARE through [email protected] by November 26, 2024.