Mulanje District Council
The Local Government Service Commission is inviting applications from suitably qualified Malawians to fill the vacant posts that exist at Mulanje District Council
Clinical Technician-Anaesthesia
Grade: HK
Number of Posts: 1
Location: Mulanje District Council
Duties and responsibilities
1. Supervise and evaluate the less experienced in the provision of anaesthesia for all operative and diagnostic procedures.
2. Keep records and reports of anaesthesia given
3. Keep records on management of clinically ill patients.
4. Manage drug and equipment inventory
5. Work planning and consultation
6. Provide anaesthesia to critical patients and those undergoing surgical procedures
Applicants must be holders of the Diploma in Clinical Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine and must be a registered member with Medical Council of Malawi.
Applicants must clearly indicate the POST and GRADE being applied for on the envelope. Further, applicants are requested to attach copies of certificates, Curriculum Vitae, National Identity card and working mobile phone number(s) in their applications. Serving officers must include their PSR 19 forms.
Applications must be addressed to:
The Executive Secretary,
Local Government Service Commission,
P.O. Box 766,
Closing date for receiving applications is 15th November, 2024.