Consultant Team in Malawi

Closes : July 24, 2023
  • Consultancy
  • Malawi
  • Applications have closed

German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)

Job Description

The German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) is currently doing an evaluation on “Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in German Development Cooperation”. Therefore, the DEval-Team is looking for a team of consultants with expertise in evaluation of SRHR-interventions for a country case study in Malawi from October 2, 2023 to June 30, 2025. The volume of work will consist of up to 98 working days for the consultant team.

1. Overall objective of the contract

We are looking for a team of consultants with expertise in

(1) evaluation, mainly qualitative data collection and data analysis,

(2) SRHR and human rights-based approaches to development.

The team of consultants should consist of a team leader as well as up to 2 team members.

The team of consultants is said to support DEval’s evaluation team in planning, preparation, implementation and analysis of interventions funded by BMZ in Malwi.


The team of consultants will closely collaborate with DEval’s evaluation team in Bonn, Germany. The case study will be led by at least one member of DEval’s evaluation team. The team of consultants and the member(s) of DEval’s evaluation team will collaboratively prepare and conduct interviews and analyze the data. This comprises inter alia the collaborative development of the country case studies’ data collection instruments, jointly conducting interviews in-person on site or virtually as well as collaborating in the analysis of interviews. DEval’s evaluation team will most probably travel to Malawi twice: For the development of the data collection strategy and for most of data collection (see tasks A and B below).

2. Specification of the requested tasks

In the context of this tender, the sought team of consultants will support the evaluation with its professional, methodological, and analytical expertise. The team of consultants shall perform the following tasks:

A. Preparation of the data collection:

a) Supporting the development of a context and vulnerability analysis for the case study, which also serves as an input for one of the below mentioned workshops on the case study design (see (b)). DEval’s evaluation team will provide a draft of a context and vulnerability analysis for Malawi. The team of consultants will comment on the document and provide additional and context specific sources (e.g. documents) for the finalisation of the context and vulnerability analysis.

b) Collaboratively developing the data collection strategy and interview guidelines together with DEval evaluation team.

c) Conceptual preparation of the country case study.

B. Logistical preparation of and support to data collection:

– The logistical preparation of interviews and group discussions. This entails inter alia organising and booking secure locations for data collection, where interview partners can feel safe and free to talk about sensitive topics such as sexual behaviour without fearing repercussions.

– Logistical preparation of field trips for data collection including safe transport and accommodation. This entails organising travel itineraries and safe transport for field trips.

– Act as a contact person for persons interested in the evaluation and in data collection. This entails providing a local telephone number, through which people can contact the evaluation team. This also serves as an accessible option to communicate complaints.

C. Data collection and documentation:

a) Conducting data collection. This entails:

– Conducting interviews and group discussions for every case study (in total approximately 30 interviews and discussions). Most interviews and discussions are conducted in person (if logistically possible) and together with the DEval evaluation team (if appropriate and logistically possible).

b) Documentation of all data collection. This entails:

– Audio recordings of every interview or focus group discussion conducted.

– English transcripts of audio recordings of interviews and focus group discussions of interviews in a local language.

– A short reflectional summary of every interview or focus group discussion (max. 0,5 page per interview/group discussion), based on a commonly developed framework.

– Documentation of additional data collection methods, depending on jointly developed methodology for case studies.

D. Data analysis, case study report and dissemination of results:

a) Analysis of all interviews, group discussions and additional methods as well as documentation of analysis for every evaluation question (in an Excel-table following a template commonly developed in advance). This entails a half-day virtual workshop of at least the team leader with the DEval team to develop a common understanding of the findings and their interpretation.

b) Preparation and implementation of interpretation workshops with representatives of rights holders. This entails the logistical preparation of these workshops and includes the identification of potentially relevant rights-holders and their representatives as well as the organisation of the meetings in a virtual format. The exact form of these workshops and their participants will build on the stakeholder analysis and be jointly decided on by the consultant team and the evaluation team.

c) Writing a case study report, which summarizes the most central results of the cases analysed (as a word document, max. 20 pages excl. appendices). incl. draft and revision after feedback from DEval team).

d) Participation in the dissemination of evaluation results for rights-holders in Malawi. This entails the participation in two half-day virtual workshops of at least the team leader with the DEval team and potentially other actors.

E. Communication with DEval team:

a) Kick-off and onboarding. This entails the participation of the complete consultant team in a half-day virtual workshop with the DEval evaluation team for onboarding and to prepare case study and documentation.

b) Regular exchange of at least the team leader with DEval team (jour fixe), virtually on a weekly basis, incl. preparation and documentation (e.g. in form of PowerPoint presentations or short briefing notes).

c) Preparation and implementation of briefing and debriefing meetings at the beginning and at the end of mission. This entails the logistical preparation of and the participation in briefing and de-briefing meetings with representatives of German development cooperation incl. all documentation.


If you are interested, you will find all information about the assignment, the required qualifications and the requirement for the application process in the attached documents.

Job Search Malawi